Beyond a simple transaction of any parking space acquisition, a successful project requires meticulous preparation, a synoptic overview of the commercial real estate environment, and new strategic policies applied in this regard. To achieve maximum effectiveness, ROD Parkings has developed rigorous expertise throughout the successful execution of multi-cross functional parking space M&A transactions across Europe, and internationally. The large experience covers several functions in each step of the deal formation, as well as in-depth operations and processes understanding, enabling us to spot the most efficient junctures of the M&A transaction, draining streamlined closures.

Extensive Preparation

Term Sheet Subtlety

Due Diligence Control

In order to streamline the overall exhaustive process, we liaise effectively between lawyers, vendors, and consultants for legal, technical, and commercial diligence. Supervised on a daily basis by our analytically sound rod parkings team, so that the process and flow of information adopts a smooth behaviour to meet scheduled deadlines.

Toward Definitive Agreement

Agile Management

Specialists for every situation

Rodschinson Investment is your trusted investement partner to make the smartest possible move whatever is your current situation.

Bastion Tower (level 11-12)
5, Place du Champ de Mars
1050 Brussels, Belgium

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