Conversions Strategies In Parking Industry

ROD Parkings joins ROD Offices, ROD Sport Spaces, ROD Retail, and ROD Events Spaces to form a wavelength on getting the most desirable judgment on a profitable conversion. The parking industry is continuously growing, historic preservation tax credits offered by the state and repurposing methodologies are improving to add value to the entire resurrection process. Losing sight of this fact can have a tremendous impact on the ever-growing process to be established if the company is to survive.

A traditional parking garage is often transformed into a distribution center or even a retail chain platform, logistics actors looking to reduce capital costs, and streamline operations and delivery flows are prone to stay competitive and achieve the best performance.

Such instances have to be taken seriously, through insightful planning, and rigorous management, different scenarios can be identified for future repurposing.

Supply Chain Cross-functional Specialist

ROD Parkings team has a long track record of repurposing parking platforms to anticipate and embrace the new trends, and further the growth performance to the next level. The team follows a methodical approach that combines a relevant and updated understanding of the parking industry’s whole value chain, market economic insights, and new strategic policies to refine future scenarios, and recommend the optimal transformation for its client’s parking assets.

To this end, from the earliest stages of building a parking garage project, ROD Parkings emphasizes to construct flexible strategies in order to be able to conduct smooth transformations and adapt to the market.

Some Examples Of Successful Conversion Strategies In Adverse Situations Include

An Indoor Sports Facility

Following a considerable drop in demand because of highway construction that took away the traffic resulting in low turnover, the parking space was repurposed to be an indoor sports facility that began generating returns. The company has only gained in terms of added value and improved its economic position by serving a market need.

Parking Garage To A Residential Unit

Due to a low density in terms of the catchment area, a 5-level parking garage has seen its revenue decreasing drastically. To take advantage of the transport shortage, the garage has been turned into multifamily apartments, the inventory space served as rooms for families, and the business model has augmented its working capital.

Specialists for every situation

Rodschinson Investment is your trusted investement partner to make the smartest possible move whatever is your current situation.

Bastion Tower (level 11-12)
5, Place du Champ de Mars
1050 Brussels, Belgium

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